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Attach CSV file
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File must be comma delimited CSV file
Open excel save as comma delimited CSV file
Make sure there is no heading or anyother content than column header and values in CSV file
You can undo this operation anytime from import history
Student First Name
Select Student First Name column
Student Middle Name
Select Student Middle Name column
Student Last Name
Select Student Last Name column
Student Email ID
Select Student Email ID column
Student Login Name
Select Student Login Name column
Student Login Password
Select Student Login Password column
Student Date Of Birth
Select Student Date Of Birth column
Student Gender
Select Student Gender column
Student Address
Select Student Address column
Student City
Select Student City column
Student Country
Select Student Country column
Student PinCode
Select Student PinCode column
Student Phone Number
Select Student Phone Number column
Student Blood Group
Select Student Blood Group column
Student Date Of Join
Select Student Date Of Join column
Student Roll Number
Select Student Roll Number column
Parent Email ID
Select Parent Email ID column
Parent First Name
Select Parent First Name column
Parent Middle Name
Select Parent Middle Name column
Parent Last Name
Select Parent Last Name column
Parent Login Name
Select Parent Login Name column
Parent Login Password
Select Parent Login Password column
Parent Gender
Select Parent Gender column
Parent Education
Select Parent Education column
Parent Profession
Select Parent Profession column
Parent BloodGroup
Select Parent BloodGroup column